About Us

PT Karjasan Andal International, well known as “KAI” is specially established for handling companies licenses related to field of investment, manpower, and also immigration. In to do such services, we associate with KARJASAN & PARTNERS. Lawoffice to give the best solution for our customer do their business well in Indonesia. Therefor we are not only as a permit agent, but also as a “legal advisor” which is has advocate license and qualified to give you legal advises.

Our Vision

KAI is highly held for the companies which are needed to comply their legal entity to do business in Indonesia with smoothly. As our slogan “your business permit solution”, we dedicate to let you focus on your business while we set up and finish your legal permit documents with competitive fee. We also strive to give our best performance in our services with consistently.

Leading Team

Candra Karjasan, S.H., M.H.
Is the chief team of KAI which has renowned by clients with in-depth knowledge and experience in law field of investment, manpower and immigration (expatriate papers). His academic background in law makes his a well-rounded expert in various fields related to Indonesia’s law. He has worked and managed not only the local, but also foreigner companies for many years as their in-house legal consultant.

Looking the experienced consultants for comply your business permit?

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