Expatriate’s Stay And Work Permit in Indonesia

Each foreigner who is intending to stay and work in Indonesia is required to have a variety of permits from government institutions, such as the ministry of manpower, Immigration, Police, and others. The Expatriate’s general papers which we’ll handle presented as below.

  • Foreign Manpower Utilization Plan ( Rencana Mempekerjakan Tenga Kerja Asing / RPTKA )
  • Foreigner Manpower Permit (Izin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing / IMTA)
    Immigration Limited Stay Visa ( VTT / VITAS / TELEX VISA)
  • Approval to Stay ( POA )
  • Temporary Residency Permit ( KITAS )
  • Permanent Residency Permit ( KITAP )
  • Multiple Exit Re-Entry Permit ( MERP )
  • Certificate of Police Registration (Surat Tanda Melapor/ STM )
  • Domicile letter (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal / SKSKP / SKTT )
  • Manpower Report (Lapor Keberadaan)
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