Labor Supllied Licensed

According to Article 66 paragraph 3 of Manpower Law ruled that the company which provide labor or known as the outsourcing company shall have a permit issued by minister of manpower.

The Permission is valid throughout Indonesia for a period of 5 ( five ) years , and ( later ) can be extended to the same timeframe.

The Required Document :
a. Copy of Article of Association and the amendments
b. Copy of Justice Minister Approval
c. Copy of Company Domicile
d. Copy of Tax Number Identification (NPWP)
e. Company Letter Head
f. Company Chop
g. Copy of Compulsory Company Manpower Report
h. Copy of the last month’s payment of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and Kesehatan

The Article of Association shall be written that the company does business as a labor supplier.

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